{oh hey Friday!}



Happy Friday! It’s my last Friday before school starts, boo:(

Anyway, I’m looking forward to a busy, fun weekend and I’m linking up with Karli and Amy for oh hey Friday!

{one} Last weekend, Mimi and Grandaddy came for a visit (my in-laws). We had a great time playing outside, reading books, and going out for dinner. My mom is here today to visit, so the kids and I are going to have a fun day with Grammy! Soaking up the last few days of summer. 20140806-145438-53678447.jpg

{two} We have a tiny garden with a few pepper and tomato plants, along with some zucchini and basil. I checked the garden recently and picked these yummy cherry tomatoes and a pepper. Fresh veggies=the best!20140806-145437-53677904.jpg

{three} Goldfish+kids=successful Target trip. Ha! This is the only way I can keep both kids contained in a cart at Target lately-our first stop is to the food section where each kiddo gets their own goldfish container. It keeps them occupied and me able to shop at Target for approximately 18.3 minutes! And as you can see from the picture below, there was still lots of arguing about the placement of their feet.  20140806-145437-53677682.jpg

{four} Do you cook with quinoa? I have cooked with it several times but want to incorporate it into our meals more. I recently made a quinoa and black bean casserole, which turned out great. Of course, as is always the case, only one kiddo liked it. It’s really hard to find a recipe that both kids like. I think Harper ate enough to make up for what Will didn’t eat though, ha!


{five} Look at these curls! Lately, Harper’s hair has become more curly. I love it! I wish it would stay this way! It’s getting so long, too. Love it! And the blond hair too, that can stay! I don’t want it to turn darker. Love my two blond-haired kiddos:)


20140806-145437-53677469.jpgI hope you have a great, relaxing weekend!


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