First weekly menu link-up!


I’m linking up with Rachel at In No Simple Language for my first weekly menu!

I do my grocery shopping and meal planning each Sunday, so my menus are Sun-Sat.

Sunday: Giada’s lasagna rolls and roasted zucchini

Monday: Chicken and rice casserole and lima beans

Tuesday: BBQ chicken pizza

Wednesday: leftovers

Thursday: out to eat

Friday: not sure yet-maybe cheese pizza and fruit or leftovers

Saturday: grilling out?

As you can see, my meals at the beginning of the week are more involved. As the week goes on, we tend to have leftovers or really easy meals:)

Below is last night’s lasagna rolls and zucchini-yum!





2 thoughts on “First weekly menu link-up!

  1. Hi! So glad you linked up this week 🙂 Those lasagna rolls sound great! I’m pinning them now.

    Also, your blog name made me do a double take. I have a good friend who is a mom of 2 and her babies are Harper and Will!

    • Thanks! I just started blogging and thought this was a neat way to link up with other bloggers:) The lasagna rolls are delicious! That’s too funny! Harper and Will are my kids’ middle names.
      PS. I see you lived in Virginia! I live in the Shenandoah Valley.

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